Higher Education Research

Special Issue

University Education in the Society of Knowledge

  • Submission Deadline: 31 March 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Alberto González
About This Special Issue
The speed with which knowledge accumulates and changes in the society of the 21st century demands that today's professionals and those of future generations never stop learning. This requires changes in undergraduate higher education, aimed at preparing future graduates to develop autonomous learning throughout life and in different contexts of action, which enable them to solve the professional problems that they will constantly face. This type of teaching demanded by today's society is a very complex and dynamic process, whose success or failure in this endeavor you are determined by multiple objective and subjective factors. For it, this special issue focus on the analysis and dissemination of the models that study the reality of the knowledge society. Moreover, make it possible to establish the theoretical, structural and functional bases of the training process in universities so that it responds to current social demands, both nationally and internationally, as well as in the local context of the university.


  1. 21st century society
  2. knowledge society
  3. demands of society
  4. training in universities
  5. pedagogical models
  6. professional training
Lead Guest Editor
  • Alberto González

    Directorate of Professional Training, Artemisa University, Artemisa, Cuba